
By Gudrun Buhler 19 Sep, 2017
Correct enunciation is one of the key elements you need to study if you want to master your voice.Everyone tends to employ more muscles then necessary when enunciating.Oftentimes the throat closes or gets restricted without you even noticing.You will just feel that singing is not easy. Wrong. I will write an article on each of the consonants but today let's keep it more general.How can you practice correct enunciation? Start with this:Lie on the floor and relax (for help with relaxing go back to
12 Sep, 2017
The magic word for being able to sing long phrases is: Enunciation.If you learn how to enunciate any consonant or consonant cluster without pressing down heavily on the vocal mechanism you will have a fair chance that the sound travels right underneath your palate.If your sound travels that high you don't loose much air while you sing.That is why some singers cannot walk up a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath but they can sing very long phrases. It is all about
22 Aug, 2017
So you are interested in low notes! Do your low notes lack strength? Or beauty? Do you feel tension in the throat when you sing them? Today I will show you an exercise with which you can access your low notes betterand even improve the quality of sound and the ease in your throat. The signs of healthy low notesare: you can make jumps from high to low and low to high effortlessly, you can increase the volume (swell) on a low note, the sound is clear and rich (not raspy or loud but lacking in
16 Aug, 2017
Singers need their foreheads relaxed. They hear very often: Don't frown! Don't raise your eyebrows! But there is more to it then just the tension you can see on a physical level. I like to think of the forehead or third eyeas an onion with many layers. If you want to get a result and sing with morebeauty and ease you will need to relax not just the skin but the layers that reach deeper. It takes time and imagination but when you feel it opening like a window I promise: you will feel so much
08 Aug, 2017
The sound of your voice can be an incredible tool to find out more about yourself and to get connected to yourself. You will feel happy when you use your voice correctly and vice versa. Your own voice is a healer for your body, heart and mind. When your voice vibrates inside you with freedom it will affect all the cells of your being. It will make you feel wonderful.Therefore listen to your body and your heart when you work on your voice.Does it feel liberating? Does it heighten your senses?If
02 Aug, 2017
Hi to all Music Lovers and especially Lovers of the Voice!The most important recipe for confidence with whatever instrument you have chosen is building a steady relationship with it. Look at it as a friendship.Would you trust a friend who calls you sometimes with a lot of lovebut then is not available when you need her/him? No. Of course not.The same with your voice or your instrument. If you stand on stage and you have turned your practice sessions into daily celebrations then you will feel
18 Jul, 2017
How to relax your voice!Today most people are feeling under pressure.Pressure to keep up with the speed of a career, social life or simply paying the bills.When we are stressed our breathing gets shallow and with less oxygen in our bodiesour muscles will start to be tense. For singers it is key to be able to let go of stress and openthe heart. You can only be connected to your emotions when your body and your breath are relaxed.Here is an exercise on how to get into that relaxation. If you can
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By Gudrun Buhler 19 Sep, 2017
Correct enunciation is one of the key elements you need to study if you want to master your voice.Everyone tends to employ more muscles then necessary when enunciating.Oftentimes the throat closes or gets restricted without you even noticing.You will just feel that singing is not easy. Wrong. I will write an article on each of the consonants but today let's keep it more general.How can you practice correct enunciation? Start with this:Lie on the floor and relax (for help with relaxing go back to
12 Sep, 2017
The magic word for being able to sing long phrases is: Enunciation.If you learn how to enunciate any consonant or consonant cluster without pressing down heavily on the vocal mechanism you will have a fair chance that the sound travels right underneath your palate.If your sound travels that high you don't loose much air while you sing.That is why some singers cannot walk up a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath but they can sing very long phrases. It is all about
22 Aug, 2017
So you are interested in low notes! Do your low notes lack strength? Or beauty? Do you feel tension in the throat when you sing them? Today I will show you an exercise with which you can access your low notes betterand even improve the quality of sound and the ease in your throat. The signs of healthy low notesare: you can make jumps from high to low and low to high effortlessly, you can increase the volume (swell) on a low note, the sound is clear and rich (not raspy or loud but lacking in
16 Aug, 2017
Singers need their foreheads relaxed. They hear very often: Don't frown! Don't raise your eyebrows! But there is more to it then just the tension you can see on a physical level. I like to think of the forehead or third eyeas an onion with many layers. If you want to get a result and sing with morebeauty and ease you will need to relax not just the skin but the layers that reach deeper. It takes time and imagination but when you feel it opening like a window I promise: you will feel so much
08 Aug, 2017
The sound of your voice can be an incredible tool to find out more about yourself and to get connected to yourself. You will feel happy when you use your voice correctly and vice versa. Your own voice is a healer for your body, heart and mind. When your voice vibrates inside you with freedom it will affect all the cells of your being. It will make you feel wonderful.Therefore listen to your body and your heart when you work on your voice.Does it feel liberating? Does it heighten your senses?If
02 Aug, 2017
Hi to all Music Lovers and especially Lovers of the Voice!The most important recipe for confidence with whatever instrument you have chosen is building a steady relationship with it. Look at it as a friendship.Would you trust a friend who calls you sometimes with a lot of lovebut then is not available when you need her/him? No. Of course not.The same with your voice or your instrument. If you stand on stage and you have turned your practice sessions into daily celebrations then you will feel
18 Jul, 2017
How to relax your voice!Today most people are feeling under pressure.Pressure to keep up with the speed of a career, social life or simply paying the bills.When we are stressed our breathing gets shallow and with less oxygen in our bodiesour muscles will start to be tense. For singers it is key to be able to let go of stress and openthe heart. You can only be connected to your emotions when your body and your breath are relaxed.Here is an exercise on how to get into that relaxation. If you can
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